10 week countdown!
10 Weeks! 10 Weeks! 10 Weeks! So what has changed so far since the last blog post…
We finally have a group picture with all of us (Don’t we look fabulous!)

Our project! We have been contacted that our community has ranked home foundations as their top priortity, and therefore we will be building foundations for 6 families.
Our budget! The team is now waiting on our corporate sponsor to approve and negotiate our budget since we changed our project from bathhouse to foundations.
Our technical advisor! We finally have found an engineering expert to travel with us! Not only is he a structural engineer but has also worked in India before doing similar work
Also! The team has learned that a current graduate student in UT’s School of Social Work is in Chennai working on health and education initiatives in her plan to teach the community how to make, use, and sell soap.
And! We team will be presenting these new changes to Milestone 3 today for SLAB (Student Learning Advisory Board)
What we still need to do in our 10 weeks
Work weekly with our technical advisor on the specific details in constructing the foundations within our time frame
We need to get our visas!
We need to read up more on Indian culture – we found a book CultureShock – A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette in India that has been super helpful!